Michael's Hands
Angelos - Urim et Thummin translates as "Angels - Illumination and Perfection".
This article was begun many years ago. It is part of a much larger body of information that originally had been contained in the 24 books ascribed to Moses and written long before any of the Moses existed on Earth. These had been gleaned from the larger work humankind have come to call The Book of The Angel Raziel. This book contains the keys of life.
Some of the information here contains updates for the times in which we are living. There are, also included, messages from angels who desire to share information with human kind.
At one time, I pondered over what validity this information might have, and if, even if it was valid, what right I had to impart this information to others. I have received many requests from beings and people of all sorts, to share this information. I finished compiling the work of Angelos - Urim et Thummin by the end of 1994. I originally intended it to be a Christmas present for my sister, Surya. I have now decided, following a waking dream I had on the morning of 17 February 2000, to share this information with whomever desires to read it. Thus, I am including this information in my personal website.
The dream was vivid and profound. It included the imagery of a location called "Twelve Oaks". Twelve Oaks stood for a place, abode or home where I am and where we all are. It is a phase in our evolution of consciousness, in which we find illumination and perfection by the Union of Twelve.
Twelve oaks, big and strong, are connected in roots and branches. This is symbolic of support, courage, fortitude and completion. It portrays the value of Cosmic Order in strength. This is a spiritual and physical strength, order and balance.
The Book (Sefer) of The Angel Raziel--Sefer here meaning scroll, book or writing. In its earlier form was called The Book of Light. In the poem Abu Ben Adam by Leigh Hunt, an angel writes in a book of gold, which is known as The Book of life. The record keepers constantly fill etheric pages of existence with the language of life and light. Each of the original twelve angels who were involved in the programming of matter, energy, space and time, combined formulas of form. They utilized personifications of themselves in each formula.
Within this book there are about 1,500 keys to the formulas of earth, involving its creation. These keys were intended to contain the qualities of all creation. They initiate the process of generation and regeneration.
The angel Raziel was instructed by the twelve Ruling Princes of the Divine Presence to put into form, the formulas and procedures for all of creation. It was decided that this knowledge should be shared with humankind. Another group of angels disagreed with humankind possessing this knowledge. They assisted in this collection of information being hidden in an ocean-covered planet that was within a distant area of space. Eventually, this book was retrieved by the angel Rahab(Sar Shel Yam), The Ruling Prince of the Primordial Sea. He then presented this book to the angel Raphael.
Several individual humans on earth had accessed this book. According to traditional records, Raziel instructed the first Adam with this book and later Enoch, Noah, Moses, Krishna, Rama, Gautama, Mohammed, Jeshua and Solomon as well as other notable individuals. Others that have been instructed with this book have been several generations of masters, teachers, adepts and healers in MU, AT-LAN and Shambala. There were also several other worlds that were taught and instructed through The Book of The Angel Raziel.
Several mystical books as well as other ancient texts are derived from or imitated portions of this book such as the Hebrew books of the Pentateuch and the Zohar. The books we have come to call The Bible and The Q'uran are reflections of this larger work. We must come to realize some day that these books were intended to contain all of their predecessors knowledge and information. Not all portions of these books were inspired by their ascribed sources. Some of the reports written in as testaments of truth were stories of other beings that acted in the capacity of a god or God. It has been part of the contest between factions of beings that have been striving to accomplish their own goals. These individual goals are varied and different from one another. We can now experience this information concerning these work's true nature as an augmentation, expansion and additional gift from the Source of the Whole of Existence.
The intention and presence of the Source of the Whole of Existence, through the works of the Holy Twelve, they brought forth the souls known to mankind as angels. They were intended to be companions, guides and guardians of the myriad worlds of existence.
By: Leigh Hunt | Page Views: 5735 | ||
Abou Ben Adhem is a poem by Leigh Hunt. |
Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!) Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace And saw, within the moonlight in his room, Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels | Page Views: 5987 | |
All about angels. |
The Holy Twelve are those beings, who are extensions and the first intentions of the Source of the Whole of Existence. Each of these twelve possesses an ascending and descending principle of creation in balance, harmony and synchronization with each of the twelve. The Holy Twelve assisted the angels in becoming aware of the wisdom of all things.
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4620 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Anahel | Page Views: 10132 | |
All about the angel Anahel. |
Also called Haniel, Ruling Prince of the Tenth Heaven or plane of existence, and the Tenth Order of Angels, the Principalities. I am also called Aniel, Hamiel, Onoel, and Hanael. My names mean, "Glory and grace of the Source of the Whole of Existence, and one who sees the Source of the Whole of Existence".
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4424 | ||
Unknown author |
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Bodiel | Page Views: 6058 | |
All about the angel Bodiel. |
The Ruling Prince of the Sixth Heaven or plane of existence, and the Sixth Order of Angels known as Thrones. My name means, "The Enlightenment of the Source of the Whole of Existence" or "Enlightenment" as in boddi.
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Camael | Page Views: 25958 | |
All about the angel Camael. |
Ruling Prince of the Eighth Heaven or plane of existence, and the Eighth Order of Angels, known as Virtues. My name means, "He who sees the Source of the Whole of Existence". I am also called Camuel, Camiel, Camiul, Chamuel, Kemuel, Camniel or Cancel. My name has also been expressed as Khamael, the Tenth Angel of the Briatic World. This name means, "who personifies divine justice of the Source of the Whole of Existence". Through this view of substantiating divine justice, mankind has given me the name of "The god of war," and once they gave me the title "Governing angel of the planets—especially Mars".
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4485 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Celestiel | Page Views: 6429 | |
All about the angel Celestiel. |
Ruling Prince of the Second Heaven or plane of existence, and the Second Order of Angels called the Celestials. My name means "Brilliant Star of the Source of the Whole of Existence".
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Creation | Page Views: 6882 | |
All about Creation of Forms and Humanity. |
Creation is the action of bringing form into relationships that are functional and productive. In what we are addressing it is the process that life takes to make itself more perfect and whole.
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Gabriel | Page Views: 7087 | |
All about the angel Gabriel. |
Ruling prince of the Twelfth Heaven or plane of existence, and the Twelfth Order of the Angels, which is known as the Angels. My name means, �The Source of the Whole of Existence is my strength�.
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 8144 | ||
Unknown author |
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 6521 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 8025 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Ophaniel | Page Views: 12974 | |
All about the angel Ophaniel. |
Ruling Prince of the Fifth Heaven or plane of existence, as well as the Fifth Order of Angels known as Cherubim. I am also called Ofaniel, Ofan, Ofniel, Ophan, or even Yahriel. I move very rapidly through the universes, thus my names mean, "Ruling Light of the Source of the Whole of Existence" or "Wheel of Light".
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels | Page Views: 27165 | |
All about the orders of angelS. |
These angels are listed in each order as they came into being. The first orders of angels were the first companions for the Source of the Whole of Existence and the Holy Twelve. Then the second order came into being and so on in the same capacity. In actuality they came into being simultaneously before there was time. Each order took on different roles and a variety of duties as they interacted with the universes.
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4934 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 5091 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #AngelsofthePresence | Page Views: 10928 | |
All about the Angels of the Presence. |
We are the Angels of the Presence and we govern the twelve heavens or planes and are the resource for all the angels. We are also known as the Twelve Angels of Sanctification and the Angels of Glory. We are Michael, Metatron, Suriel, Sandalphon, Astanphaeus, Sarasael, Phanuel, Jehoel, Zagzagel, Uriel, Yefefiah and Akatriel. We have assisted in humanity's being given the 24 books of knowledge that contains the scientific formulas. This information was designed to assist humans in their advancement, and, properly used, would allow them to transform their surroundings.
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Raphael | Page Views: 13955 | |
All about the angel Raphael. |
Ruling Prince of the Ninth Heaven or plane of existence and the Ninth Order of Angels, the Powers. My name means, "Healing light of the Source of the Whole of Existence". I was originally known as Labbiel and this meant, "Knowledge of the Light of the Source of the Whole of Existence".
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4351 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels | Page Views: 6022 | |
All about the angelic Rulers, Orders and Realms. |
There are twelve orders of angels; each dwells with, reigns or governs a realm, heaven or plane of existence. A region or abode of an order of angels has been called in Hebrew, Yetsirah meaning formation. The formations were the first realms created from the emanations of the Source of the Whole of Existence. They are the chief domains or angelic realms. They were formed as twelve domains. The spiritual structure of each domain contains twelve orbs of light.
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 5290 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4296 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4052 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Suriel | Page Views: 16219 | |
All about the angel Suriel. |
My name means, "The Source of the Whole of Existence's Command". I work closely with the angels Uriel, Metatron, Ariel, Saraquel and others. Others have called me Sariel, Sauriel, Suriyel and Surya.
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 5278 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 8572 | ||
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels | Page Views: 6007 | |
All about the Angels of the Earthly Year. |
Earth, as it progresses into the 21st Century, has many beings of light that are benevolent and giving, as well as those that attempt to control the light and are fearful and thrive upon that fear. There are many occurrences, histories and instances to remember and come to terms with. This was never truer for those beings living upon Earth during these times.
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By: Michael Manion | Topics: #Angels #Zadkiel | Page Views: 9342 | |
All about the angel Zadkiel. |
Ruling Prince of the Seventh Heaven or plane of existence, and the Seventh Order of Angels known as Dominions. I am also called Tzadkiel, Zidekiel, Zadakiel, Zadikiel, Zachiel or Zadykiel. My names mean, "Righteousness of the Source of the Whole of Existence".
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By: Michael Manion | Page Views: 4825 | ||
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