By: Michael Manion Viewed: 1/25/2025
Topics/Keywords: #Angels #Zadkiel Page Views: 9243
All about the angel Zadkiel.

I am Zadkiel,


Ruling Prince of the Seventh Heaven or plane of existence, and the Seventh Order of Angels known as Dominions. I am also called Tzadkiel, Zidekiel, Zadakiel, Zadikiel, Zachiel or Zadykiel. My names mean, "Righteousness of the Source of the Whole of Existence".

My complement is known as the angel Amethyst, whose name means, "Clear thought of the Source of the Whole of Existence". She bestows a sense of nobility, spiritual awareness, meditative and psychic abilities, along with inner peace. We are both best experienced through purple, violet and white. We together assist the angel Michael when he displays his standard in order to manifest balance within the universes.

Zadkiel with Amethyst

I am the angel who assists in forwarding benevolence, compassion and memory. I am one of the archangels that stand in the presence of the Source of the Whole of Existence. I am one of two chieftains of the Sixth Heaven, the other being Zophiel. I am viewer, purveyor of all things and the one who visualizes the restoration of the presence of divinity. I am one of the governing angels who works with the messages and energies of Jupiter. The other angels who work to direct these enlightening energies are Zachariel, the angel of remembrance, Cobiaachel the angel of opportunity, and Barakiel, the angel of understanding. The spirits working with the planet Jupiter are Sachiel, the spirit of covering, Castiel, the spirit who works with the energies present in the day of the Jovian week comparable to your Thursday, and Asasiel, the spirit of binding oaths ,Setchiel the spirit of optimism who is served by the spirit messenger of Jupiter; Turiel, the spirit of fulfillment, Chedusitaniel, the spirit that works with the energies of the day of the Jovian week comparable to your Friday and is the spirit of tolerance and stability, and Corael, the spirit of enthusiasm who works with Mendion, the angel of the 7th hour of light who works toward wholeness and completion.

Other messengers of the planet Jupiter are Coniel, an angel of enjoyment and the west winds who works with the energies present in the Jovian day comparable to your Friday. Babiel, an angel of the southwest winds who works with the energies present with the Jovian days that area comparable to your Wednesday and Friday. The intelligences of the planet Jupiter work with the angels and the spirits in order to maintain order and balance, and are a specialized order of angels. These are Kadiel, the intelligence or angel of expressiveness, Maltiel, Guardian of the West winds, Hufaltiel the intelligence and angel of the Jovian day comparable to your Friday, Huphatriel the intelligence and angel of spontaneity, and Estael, the intelligence and angel of empathy.

Together, we are dedicated to bring the consciousness of expansion--the urge for self-expression through participation in the larger whole. Recently, there were 24 collisions from the meteor you have called Shoemaker-Levi 9 which entered Jupiter. These acted to ignite and initiate our energies far beyond the fields of Jupiter. These may seem new to you upon Earth, as they are assimilated by those people here. There may seem to be fear and frustration that come to a boil, and yet, these are a part of the awakening process that has come to humanity. The meteor impact acted as a spiritual awakening, and mankind will react or take actions, as they individually will.

We have not caused you to awaken; we presented possibilities and those of Earth have made their choices as to the resulting action they will take. When experiencing fear and anger, these humans can seem hostile and dangerous. Others will forward fear or encourage optimism. You will always have the choice as to the outcome. A transformation is coming! Are you ready? This transformation includes more spiritual righteousness in each person's life and the urge to go forth and explore. Yearn for the correct virtues that compose the song that becomes your world. Listen to the profusion of sounds of all the ages and you will understand the reason for the changes within your life, and in these times.

Spiritual righteousness is the greatest good for all concerned. It is never to be used to make any one group of people wrong or seen as less then any other. Think of inclusion and acceptance and tolerance of the differences you experience, and the balance will be achieved. Spiritual righteousness is your own ability to know what is right for you, and the feeling of security that brings. It is being open to others and what they consider spiritual righteousness for them, and allowing that to be as it is for them. In this state of allowence and security of your own spirit, transformation will come.