By: Michael Manion Viewed: 7/27/2024
Topics/Keywords: #Cancer #Health Page Views: 5521
All about cancer.

What Is Cancer?


The name Cancer is from the Latin and means crab. This, in turn, is derived from the Greek for "crab", kankinos. Cancerous growths have tentacle structures that surround them and appeared to those of antiquity as the claws of a crab.

This condition is now understood to be many different diseases by the modern medical profession. However, many spiritual health workers believe that all cancers are related by a common phenomenon. Each of these diseases occur when cells begin to grow and divide in a wild frenzy. This cell division and growth is an attempt to mimic normal cell growth. Why do the cells become "confused"? It has to do with their perception of their environment. This perception is most likely due to the existing cell’s sensing an environment that is non-conducive for its continuation. That is, the cell's interpretation of its environment is that the environment is negating its existence because some or any of the elements necessary for normal cell growth are not in balance. A toxic environment can create a alteration in cell metablism and respiration. The normal flow of information to the nucleus of the cell is distorted, thus the cell creates abnormal cells that appear to us, on the outside, to be abnormal, yet the cell is actually attempting to perform normal functions with altered, changed or missing information.

The cell, affected by the illusion of negation caused by the environmental imbalance, believes that repair or reproduction is needed more rapidly than it actually is.

These environmental imbalances can be initiated by certain types or wavelengths of radiation, or the presence of certain chemical molecules. These chemicals may be external carcinogens, such as PCBs or nicotine; but they may also be created in the body due to prolonged periods of stress or negative emotions such as anger.

The cause-and-effect of any cancer, then, is:

Note that both a physical trigger (a carcinogen such as radiation or a chemical or hormone) and a psychic trigger (stress or anger, for anger) must be present for the process to begin.

When we say a cell "feels" negated, we are making use of anthropomorphism to shortcut a complex procedure involving chemical recognition, molecular keys and cellular reactions to an environment.

The individual cell that first experiences this negation to a point where it reacts by reproducing, is called the trigger cell. This one cell, the grandparent of the cancer, has been programmed by the event. Trigger cells reproduce in direct proportion to the perception of negation. That is, the greater the void they sense, the more urgency they will show in filling it.

Other chemicals or factors that have this effect upon the cells of the body are what are called toxins. These toxins enter or come in contact with the body and act as poisons to the cells of the body. Another way that this growth process occurs is through cancer cells that impinge in an area and enter systems of the body that carry these effected cells to other locations to grow in those areas. This is called Secondary Cancer or metastasizing. An area that is affected by its own cells abnormal and over reproduction is called Primary Cancer. Yet other factors even more subtle, that have the effect of disrupting the attenuation of normal cell reproduction is what is generally called the stress factor. This kind of toxicity occurs upon a different and varied environment. There have been experiments that have been performed and can still be reproduced showing that attitude and emotions can alter and affect the chemistry and the cells of the body. Attitudes and emotions, which threaten the survival of the organism or its continuance, also affect the body even on a cellular level. Some of these are temporary threats to life and limb. Sometimes these get re-stimulated by similar or other stimuli that approximate the same or similar threat. Other interruptions are continual and habitual. These, over time, can program into the cell memory, stimulus responses that eventually can trigger a cancer response.

Other forms of cancer respond to the negation process through various diseases and physical harm that the body itself has experienced. This could include diseases that affect the immune system as well as a localized affect upon a particular part of the body. A common form of skin cancer can be caused by constant irritation of the skin or a skin poisoning due to elements that act as toxins. This physical affect can be experienced with chronic conditions or harmful accidents upon the body that do not heal.

Alternative Treatments

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