By: Michael Manion Viewed: 2/19/2025
Page Views: 3552
Unknown author

There are many kinds of fumes and breathable substances that can constrict or irritate the lungs. Any of these can trigger lung cancer, especially when exposure occurs over a long period of time. In addition to personal exposure (cigarette smoking or inhaling the smoke from burning leaves or other substances), occupations in chemical facilities or smoke or fumed-filled environments (such as a beauty salon that does a lot of fingernail painting) add to one's risk.

Exposure to asbestos, nickel, chromates or radioactive materials, chronic bronchitis, a history of tuberculosis, exposure to any variety of noxious and volatile chemicals that can become toxic to your lungs, including pesticides and/or herbicides and various petroleum products, are additional risk factors.

Symptoms include:

  • Any persistent cough
  • Sputum with blood
  • Chest pains or difficulty breathing or pain while breathing

Be aware that several studies have proven that "second hand smoke" is more harmful to the non-smoker than a smoker. Many children of smokers develop lung cancers before their parents. In addition, studies show that babies and young children are more susceptible to ear infections and repertory problems when their caregivers or parents smoke. Even when the adults take care not to smoke around the children, the smoke is in their clothes, their hair, on their shin and therefore in the environment of the child.

After smoking outside your house, when you come back in and pick up your child, he or she is inhaling your exhaled smoky breath that is filled with the elements you just smoked. This puts your child at risk.

Be careful not to breathe in too many harmful fumes or pollutants if these are part of your living condition or occupation.